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Friday 26 July 2013

Change makes the world go around....

So, I know I just started this new blog, but the last week has brought me many new ideas about what I would like to do and accomplish with this page, and due to some of the limitations of the free hosting on Blogger (where this blog is currently hosted), I will soon be moving it over to a new page, which will provide me with more control and autonomy over the layout, design, etc.

Update on the new site to follow soon, and sorry for all the technical jargon for those of you who have no interest in knowing how things get out onto the web. ;-)

I can also share with you that I will be featuring a great new South Africa cake decorating book on the blog soon!


Friday 12 July 2013

Local suppliers (South Africa)

Good morning all!

If you have a look right at the bottom of this page, you will see that we are compiling a list of local (South African) suppliers of cake decorating tools, equipment and other things that might be of interest to decorators.

Please visit these suppliers' websites and have a look at all the wonderful goodies they have available.

Since I began "collecting" decorating tools a couple of years ago, the number of local suppliers have increased amazingly, and also the variety of goods they supply. Many items that were previously only available overseas, and had to be imported at great cost, is now available locally. We also have some excellent local manufacturers of silicone moulds and other products.

I hope to bring you some more detailed information on some of these suppliers soon!

If you are a South African supplier of cake decorating tools and/or equipment, and you would like me to include a link to your site on this blog, please feel free to send me a message via the "Contact" box.

Happy baking and decorating!


Thursday 11 July 2013

Hello and welcome!

So, I have decided to give this blog-thing another go... I started one way back in 2011, but never really got around to posting much, I think mainly because I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with it...

Two years later, and I have in the mean time started a Facebook page for Cakesbylili, on which I pretty much exclusively post photos of cakes that I have made. I think I have a much better idea of where I want to go with this cake-decorating-thing,  and so I have thought about starting up this blog as a more general and open medium for sharing tutorials, tips, recipes, information on other cake artists and just much more general information about cake decorating and all its pains and pleasures.

There are also some other plans in the pipeline for another blog that would deal more with event planning and everything that goes with it! Hopefully I will have an update on that soon!

So, welcome to my blog, and please feel free to let me know more about what you would like to see on here - tutorials, features on cake artist, any cake artists that you would like to see guest posts from... or just let me know who you are and what your role is in the cake-universe!
